August-Horch-Str. 20
55129 Mainz-Hechtsheim
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Chairman of the Board:
Bruno Sinz
Board of Directors:
Stefanie Niggemann, Swen Wittig
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Jörg Volkmann
Contentwise responsible person acc. toäß § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Bruno Sinz
Commercial Register No.:
HRB Mainz 5063
Concept, Design and Programming:
signalfeuer. Agentur für Gestaltung & Webentwicklung
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All contents of this website, in particular texts, photographs and graphics, are protected by copyright. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the copyright is held by LOTS OF DOTS MediaGroup. AG. Please contact us if you wish to use the contents of this website.
Whoever violates copyright law (e.g. copies the contents onto their own homepage without permission) is liable to prosecution under Section 106 ff of the Copyright Act. In addition, he or she will be warned with costs and must pay damages. Copies of content can be pursued on the internet without great effort.
Mainz, September 2022
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Despite careful control of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for their content.